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Paneer kati Roll

Sep 28th, 2012 | By | Category: All Recipes, Featured recipes, Kids Recipes, Lunch Box Recipes, Paneer Recipes, Sandwich Recipes, Veg - Recipes

paneer kati roll

Paneer kati roll ~ For lunch today

My love for kati roll’s started after tasting the first one in new york city. Chunks of paneer or chicken cooked in spices arranged on a bed of lettuce, and wrapped in warm tortilas/rotis is a delectable feast to the eyes and palate too. Today’s recipe is a quick version of kati roll that is spicy, tangy and sure to tickle your taste buds at the first bite. Here’s how to make it….

paneer kati roll

Ingredients for the filling : (Makes 2 kati rolls)

1 cup paneer chunks

½ red bell pepper – thinly sliced

½ red onion – thinly slicced

½ cup boiled green peas

1 tbsp cooking oil

salt to taste

1 tbsp tomato paste

1 tbsp tomato ketch up

½ tsp red chilli powder (adjust to suit your spice levels)

½ tsp coriander powder

1 tsp shahi paneer masala

pinch of kasoori methi

½ tsp lemon juice

2 tbsps freshly chopped cilantro

Ingredients for the wrap :

2 whole wheat tortillas ( I used fresh store bought ones)

1 cup of shredded lettuce

few thinly sliced red onions

freshly chopped cilantro

How to cook the filling:

  • Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a skillet on high heat.
  • Add paneer chunks, and saute them for a minute until the edges are brown.
  • Add sliced onions, red bell pepper, green peas, salt to taste and saute on high heat for about 2 minutes. The vegetables should be cooked but slightly crunchy. Now add tomato paste, and tomato ketch up. Toss for a minute on medium heat. Add red chilli powder,shahi paneer masala, kasoori methi and coriander powder.
  • Add chopped tomatoes and fry for 2 mts on medium flame. Add red chilli powder, and chaat masala powder. combine and saute for another minute.
  • Sprinkle a few drops of water, and toss on high heat.
  • Turn off the flame, sprinkle lemon juice and freshly chopped cilantro.

Assembling the wrap :

  • Warm the tortilla/rotiss on a dosa pan/skillet.
  • Take one tortilla. Arrange it with lettuce in the center and spread about 2 tbsps of paneer filling on it, then garnish with sliced onions, and chopped cilantro then roll up tightly.
  • Roll them up tightly and cut into center or wrap in aluminium foil and carry for lunch.
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